
International Mining and Metallurgical Congress "ASTANA MINING & METALLURGY"

International Mining and Metallurgical Congress "ASTANA MINING & METALLURGY"

Astana city, Kazakhstan


The 14th International Mining and Metallurgy Congress and Astana Mining & Metallurgy exhibition - AMM 2024 will be held from June 6 to 7, 2024, Hilton Astana hotel. Every year, AMM is one of the leading industry events in Central Asia, where leaders of industry ministries and associations, representatives of national and international corporations, investment funds and world experts gather to exchange views on topical problems of the mining and metallurgical complex and create productive connections aimed at long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.

Exhibition exposition 2024

AMM 2024 will be classically presented by the Congress and the exhibition of technological solutions for the mining and metallurgical complex

Taking into account the successful results of 2023, when the exhibition was visited by 2,239 unique visitors, of which 1,497 are the Congress delegates, and 36 companies from 7 countries were exhibitors, the AMM 2024 exhibition promises to become a large scale unique industry platform for the exchange of best practices, innovative ideas and strategies aimed at supporting the sustainable development and prosperity of the mining and metallurgical sector in the region and beyond. Over the course of two days, exhibitors will be able to present their services, exchange experiences, establish high-quality business contacts with representatives of the public sector and the majority of subsoil users in Kazakhstan, providing networking in the format of b2b, b2g meetings.

To date, Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), KAZ Minerals, Polymetal, LNDC KAZAKHSTAN, InProTech, Kcell have already confirmed their participation. Among the debuting companies are such companies as Derrick Corporation, Linde Gas Kazakhstan, WARTER POLYMERS SP. Z O.O.

AMM Congress 2024

The central theme of the Congress in 2024 is a topic that is relevant today: The Age of Metals: Challenges and Solutions. It is known that in our republic there are several deposits containing up to 40 types of rare and rare earth metals. K.-Zh. Tokayev, the President of Kazakhstan, in his speech, noted the global demand for rare earth metals and also spoke about Kazakhstan’s prospects for joint mining and processing of metals. “One of the priority tasks should be the development of deposits of rare and rare earth metals, which have essentially turned into “new oil”. Countries that are able to realize their potential in this area will determine the vector of technological progress throughout the world”, the President noted. The Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared a program for the development of this industry for 2024–2028. It is planned to allocate funds in the amount of 11.8 billion KZT from the state budget for the deposits development, ore mining and metal production, highlighting this industry as the most important in the country’s economy. Thus, determining the relevance of the topic chosen for the Congress. The AMM 2024 program will also include sessions on the following topics:

  • Trends and key challenges for the Kazakhstani and global mining and metallurgical complex: geological exploration, digital transformation, rare earth metals
  • Building a digital development strategy for the mining and metallurgical complex: digitalization of geological reserves and modernization of factories
  • Critical minerals - strategic assets: exploring the minerals of the future

AMM Congress will expand intersectoral investment cooperation, facilitate the conclusion of new contracts and develop joint solutions that meet modern challenges.

Golden Hephaestus National Competition

On June 6, the best professionals in the mining and metallurgical industry will receive sacred awards in 14 categories. The 2024 competition is expected to introduce further innovations aimed at further popularizing industry professions. One of the innovations will be an increase in prize awards in a number of nominations; there will also be a special session in the Amphitheater area where the winners and nominees of the Golden Hephaestus will be able to share the secret of their success, pass on practical advice and talk about their experiences that helped them achieve high results in their professions. The general partner of the competition is traditionally Eurasian Resources Group (ERG).

More information can be found on the website: www.amm.kz

