International investors will build meat processing complex in East Kazakhstan region

In the East Kazakhstan region, with the support of “NC “KAZAKH INVEST” JSC, it is planned to build a meat processing complex. The initiator of the project is the company “Eco Meat Vostok Ltd” with the support of the investment fund FinSight Ventures and the English company Brown & Co.
The construction of the complex will include a feed mill with a capacity of 184 thousand tons per year, a breeding and genetic farm with a capacity of 20 thousand heads per year, a slaughter facility with a capacity of 39 thousand tons of meat per year, 3 commercial farms with a capacity of 400 thousand heads per year. The total cost of the project with phased financing until 2024 will be 117 billion tenge.
“The complex will work according to the most modern technologies, which provide for robotic production. All breeding stock will be imported from Denmark. The cultivation will be carried out in a completely closed complex, which absolutely eliminates the contact of livestock with domestic and wild animals,” - said Nartay Beisekov, Regional Director of “NC “KAZAKH INVEST” JSC for the East Kazakhstan region.
According to investors, it is planned that this production will be completely waste-free. It is planned to build a workshop for further processing of waste into organic fertilizers, which will be provided to local agricultural producers free of charge.
It is also planned to create about 2000 new jobs at the enterprise. Recruitment and placement of personnel will be carried out, first of all, at the expense of the local population. It is planned to train and retrain personnel to obtain the necessary highly qualified specialists.
By the way, the project is aimed at supplying products to China and the countries of Southeast Asia. It is worth noting that the placement of the objects of the new project on the territory of the East Kazakhstan region will significantly reduce logistics costs for the delivery of products to end consumers in China.
For reference: FinSight Ventures is a venture fund founded in 2012 by two partners - Alexey Garyunov and Viktor Remshei. Specializes in international investments in technology companies in the financial sector.
Brown & Co is a leading provider of agricultural consulting services. It is a leading provider of agency, professional and advisory services across the entire spectrum of rural, commercial and residential real estate, agriculture and the environment.