Residence Permit, Citizenship

Permanent residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan are foreigners who have obtained permission for this and a document for the right to permanent residence in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

An obligatory condition for granting a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the confirmation by a person applying for such permission, with the exception of ethnic Kazakhs, persons born or previously in the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and members of their families, their solvency in the order and the amounts determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The procedure for issuing permits to foreigners and stateless persons for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Foreigners and stateless persons who live outside the Republic of Kazakhstan apply with an application (of an arbitrary form) for permission to permanently reside in the Republic of Kazakhstan to an overseas institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Foreigners and stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Kazakhstan with a visa for permanent residence or who have arrived from the states that have concluded agreements with the Republic of Kazakhstan on visa-free entry and stay, as well as ethnic Kazakhs regardless of the category issued to them, apply to the Internal of Affairs Agencies to obtain a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - permit).

To obtain a permit, foreigners and stateless persons submit the following documents to the Internal of Affairs Agencies at the place of their stay:

1) application form for the issuance of a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with Annex 2 to the Rules for Issuance of Foreign and Stateless Persons Permits for Temporary and Permanent Residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) a copy and original (for reconciliation) of the national passport, a document of the stateless person of the applicant, the validity period for which over 180 calendar days are processed per day;

when copying the copy and the original (for reconciliation) of the child's birth certificate or other document proving the identity of the child under 16 years of age;

3) the written consent of the state confirming the permit for permanent residence abroad or the departure sheet or other document (with the exception of foreigners and stateless persons who are recognized as refugees or granted asylum in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ethnic Kazakhs from the People's Republic of China unless otherwise provided for by international treaties);

4) an autobiography in the state or Russian language, with the signature of the applicant;

5) a document confirming its solvency in accordance with Resolution No. 1185 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2003 "On Approving the Rules of Confirmation by Foreigners and Stateless Persons Claiming to Receive Permits for Permanent Residency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, their solvency during their stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan" , with the exception of ethnic Kazakhs, former compatriots born or formerly citizens of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic or the Republic Kazakhstan, as well as persons entitled to acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a simplified procedure on the basis of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and members of their families;

6) the document on the criminal record (absence of previous conviction) in the country of citizenship and or permanent residence issued by the competent authority of the state concerned (with the exception of ethnic Kazakhs of the citizens of the People's Republic of China, unless otherwise stipulated in international treaties);

7) a notarized consent of a child between the ages of 14 and 18 for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) a notarized agreement or a notarized consent with an individual or legal entity for the applicant's residence and registration for permanent registration;

9) a certificate of medical examination of a foreigner about the absence of diseases, the presence of which prohibits the entry of foreigners and stateless persons into the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 30, 2011 No. 664 "On the approval of the list of diseases that prevent the entry of foreigners and persons without citizenship in the Republic of Kazakhstan "(registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 7274);

10) 1 photograph measuring 35x45 mm;

11) certificate of the absence or termination of the citizenship of another state, issued by the competent authority of the state concerned (when applying for a stateless person who does not have a certificate of a stateless person).

The period of validity of the documents specified in subparagraphs 5), 6) and 9) is not more than 180 calendar days.

Documents compiled in a foreign language are subject to translation into the state or Russian language. The authenticity of the signature of an interpreter is certified by a notary.

The procedure for issuing and issuing a residence permit for a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The residence permit of a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be issued to foreigners permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the age of 16 with a period of validity for ten years, but not exceeding the period of validity of the passport of the country of their citizenship.

For registration of a residence permit for a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners must personally submit to the authorized state body the following documents:

1) document on payment of state fee;

2) two photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters;

3) a valid national passport.

When filling out the residence permit of an alien in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the surname, name, patronymic (if any) and other data are recorded in accordance with the document that served as the basis for their extradition, with the exception of cases provided for by laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be adopted:

1) persons who permanently reside in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan legally for at least five years or who are married to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for at least three years.

The presence of the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of this subparagraph is not required for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan of minors, incompetent persons and persons who have special merits before the Republic of Kazakhstan or have professions and meet the requirements for the list established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and members of their families;

2) citizens of the former union republics who arrived with the purpose of permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan, having one of their close relatives - citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a child (including an adopted child), spouse, one of the parents (adoptive parents), sister, brother, grandfather or grandmother, regardless of the length of their residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The issues of citizenship of servicemen who are on military service and stationed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are determined by interstate agreements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the period of residence on the territory of the republic counts:

1) time of service in the army, if the person previously resided on the territory of the republic and the break between the day of separation from the army and the day of arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan for permanent residence does not exceed three months;

2) the time of study outside the republic, if the break between the end of studies or the expulsion from the educational institution and the day of arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exceed three months;

3) the time of departure for a business trip outside the republic, if the break between the end of the trip and the day of arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exceed three months.

The calculation of the three-month period is suspended in case of illness, natural disaster or other valid reasons.

In the period of residence on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the time of serving the criminal punishment measures appointed by the court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) judicial bodies of other states, as well as the duration of stay on the territory of the republic on business trip, on treatment and other cases of temporary residence are not counted.

In the period of residence on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the period preceding the cancellation of the person's belonging to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall not be counted.

The procedure for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Persons permanently residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan submit applications (applications) for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and submit it to the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan at their place of permanent residence.

In the application (application) the motives for the acceptance of the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan are reflected.

The following documents are attached to the petition (application) for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) application form in accordance with Annex 4 to the Rules for the Reception, Formalization and Consideration by Internal Affairs Bodies of motions (applications) concerning the admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) autobiography;

3) four photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm;

4) the obligation to observe the conditions provided for in Article 1 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with Annex 6 to the Rules for the Reception, Processing and Consideration by Internal Affairs Bodies of motions (applications) on issues of admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) a copy of the identity document and confirming belonging to the citizenship of another state, a certificate of a stateless person, a birth certificate of a child;

6) certificate on the absence or termination of the citizenship of another state issued by the competent authority of the state (except for the persons specified in part two of subparagraph 1) of paragraph 15 of the Rules for the admission, processing and consideration by the bodies of internal affairs of petitions (applications) on issues of admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who applied in writing to the bodies of internal affairs with an application for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the same time to an official of the State of Arrival who makes a decision on matters of citizenship tva, with a notarized written rejection of foreign citizenship. A copy of the application for the renunciation of former citizenship is attached to the materials on admission to citizenship);

7) a document on payment of a state fee or exemption from payment thereof.

In addition to these documents are:

persons who meet the requirements of the list of occupations and requirements for persons with respect to whom a simplified procedure for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 6, 2005 No. 1587 - application of the relevant state body;

persons who have returned for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a historical homeland - an oralman's certificate and a notarized statement to the official of the State of arrival deciding on questions of citizenship, renouncing the former citizenship.

A person applying for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the time of filing a petition (application) married to a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presents a notarized copy of the marriage certificate.

Citizens of the former union republics who arrived with the purpose of permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan and having one of close relatives - citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan present documents certifying the degree of kinship with the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.).

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