Investment Projects

Personalized medicine scientific research institute

  • Indicator Results
  • Investment amount, thousand US dollars 3 778
  • NPV of the Project thousand, US dollars 2 053
  • IRR, % 40,0%
  • EBITDA yield, %
  • Payback period, years 4,03
  • Discounted payback period, years - - 5,92


When design capacity is reached in 2026, the annual diagnostics, screening, and training service levels will be as follows: genetic laboratory – 10,000 tests, cytogenetic laboratory – 1,200 tests, histologic laboratory – 5,000 tests, cytologic laboratory – 2,000 tests, omics laboratory – 1,000 tests, with a number of training program students totaling 310 people. All services are planned to be realized in the domestic market of Kazakhstan.


This investment project (the “Project”) envisages the creation of a personalised medicine and genomics scientific research institute (the “Institute”) in Astana at the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company “Astana Medical University” (AMU). The Institute is planning to provide a wide range of specialised diagnostic and screening tests across five laboratories (genetic, cytogenetic, histologic, cytologic and omics). Masters’, residency and vocational training programmes will be organised in conjunction with AMU. The Company has signed contracts for the supply of laboratory testing equipment.

Project Initiator

The Initiator is Biogen Technopark LLP, a research laboratory accredited in the field of scientific activity and licensed in medical activity. The Company’s key personnel are molecular and genetic laboratory specialists from the Astana Genetic Centre (AGC), which is a research laboratory accredited in the field of scientific activity and licensed in medical activity.

Market Overview

  • In 2019-2021, birth abnormalities averaged 939 cases per 100 thousand persons. In 2022, the figure fell 880 cases per 100 thousand.
  • In 2018-2022, Kazakhstan saw an increase in malignant growth morbidity to 199 cases per 100 thousand persons in 2022, which is 14% higher than in 2018.
  • Kazakhstan has seen a rise in the number of children born sick or falling sick in very early life. In 2022, this figure grew to 139.6 cases per thousand live births (CAGR for 2018-2022 at 5.2%).
What is the attractiveness of the project?

  • Advantageous location. As the Project is located in Astana, it will have access to the significant Akmola agglomeration consumer market, whose population exceeds 2.2 million. The population of the neighbouring North-Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanai and Pavlodar Oblasts is 3.3 million.
  • State support. The Project is recognised as an investment priority and is eligible for state concessions. Participation in a number of state programmes to receive tax concessions, subsidies and reduced-rate borrowing will help reduce capital costs and improve Project returns. 
Project team partners and experience.

The Project is being implemented in partnership with the Astana Medical University, providing access to the university’s material and technical, information, scientific and educational database. The main Project equipment supplier is the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), which has significant experience in clinical diagnostics and genetics.

Investment proposal

The Project requires investment of 3,778 thousand USD (at the rate of 449.2 tenge), of which:

  • 70% (2,645 thousand USD) - debt financing subject to collateral;
  • 30% (1,133 thousand USD) – investor participation.
The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative. The final financing structure and Project interests will be determined based on the results of negotiations with the investor.

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