PowerExpo Almaty 2023
An important industrial expo event - the Kazakhstan International Energy, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering Exhibition - Powerexpo Almaty will be held on October 17-19, 2023 on the territory of Atakent Kazakhstan Center for Business Cooperation, Almaty city. More than 115 companies from 10 countries will gather here to present their products and ideas, creating opportunities to expand their business and further develop the industry.
Powerexpo Almaty is an international communication platform that annually unites manufacturers and suppliers of electrical products, equipment and services with direct consumers - procurement department specialists, distributors, engineers and power engineers of enterprises, designers, installers.
You can get a ticket using the promotional code PWR2023KZI on the website powerexpo.kz
Exposition 2023
Exhibitors from Austria, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Slovakia, Finland and France present integrated solutions in the energy sector; electri, electrical installation and cable and wiring products; assembly, test and instrumentation equipment; automation, drive technology and lighting facilities.
Among the annual participants of the exhibition are Omicron Electronics, Minsk Electrotechnical Plant named after V.I. Kozlov, TE Connectivity, Savoir Faire, Siemens, Test Instruments, Silumin-Vostok, Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant, EKRA Kazakhstan, Electroservice PF, ENSTO Kazakhstan.
More than 60 companies are new participants of the exhibition
In the 2023 exposition, more than 60 companies will perform as debutants. Beierton, Beta Izol, Borusan Cat Kazakhstan, Ecostatus Plus.Kz, Led Lighting Central Asia Ltd / Belintegra, Ome Group, Rooq Limited, Solarway-A, Almaty Electro Snab Aes, Dikom Energy, Lukoil Lubricants Central Asia, Klinkmann Kazakhstan, Segment Energo Kazakhstan, Elektronpribor Kz, Pcvue, Aps Group Energy, Meka Pro Oy, Albimax Metall, Center-Asian Company, Tele Radio, Aes-Komplekt, Volt-Spb, Boiler Equipment Plant, Polymer Apparat, Promrukav, Spetskabel, Tochinvest-Shzmk, Energoservice Engineering Center, Vtk Energo Trading House, Soemi, Uumek, Export Support Center of the Orenburg region present their products and services for the first time.
The policy and vector of development in the electric power industry, implemented in the country, directly affect the growing interest in the Kazakhstani market and the growth in the number of exhibition participants. The development of green energy, the use of new environmentally friendly technologies, ensuring energy security and an environmentally friendly future are one of the main priority directions for the development of Kazakhstan. The republic sets itself the goal of transferring at least 50% of the electricity produced in the country to renewable and alternative energy sources by 2050. According to statistics, in the last year alone, the capacity of renewable energy sources increased by 2.4 thousand MW, which is 18.8% more than a year earlier. According to Almasadam Satkaliyev, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a number of projects in the field of renewable energy sources are being implemented in the country. The transition to renewable energy opens up new prospects for digital innovation designed to solve global energy challenges.
Solarway-A, Shenzhen Itsuwa Technology will present solar power plants for home and business, portable solar generators, household and commercial energy saving stations at Powerexpo Almaty.
Business program
In March 2023, the Concept for the Development of the Electricity Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029 was approved. The practical implementation of the Concept, an open discussion of industry issues, and the development of solutions to current problems require the participation of industry experts. Dozens of speakers, including representatives of government agencies, practicing experts, representatives of the largest industry associations and unions, during the business program of the exhibition will take part in round tables and seminars for heads of fuel and energy companies and engineering and technical services; management of regional energy commission, thermal power plants, hydro-electric power stations; chief engineers and power engineers of public utilities, industrial, manufacturing and commercial enterprises of various industries; representatives of design, construction, installation organizations.