Business Registration
Choosing a category of a business entity
Micro entrepreneurship(up to 15 people / up to 30,000 MCI)
Small entrepreneurship(up to 100 people / up to 30,000 MCI)
Medium entrepreneurship(from 100 - 250 people / from 30,000 to 3,000,000 MCI)
Large entrepreneurship(over 250 people / over 3,000,000 MCI)
The state registration of a legal entity related to the subject of small and medium enterprises, through the web portal of "electronic government", the application is submitted in the electronic form to opening Bank accounts and for compulsory insurance of employee from accidents (with the exception of cases where the founder (founders) of a legal entity carries out (exercise) activity without entry into employment relationships with individuals) in accordance with the requirements established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On compulsory insurance of employee from accidents during execution of labor (service) responsibilities" and the regulatory legal act of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
When registering a legal entity should provide, what the estimated annual average number of employees and average annual income of a business entity.
Depending on the average number of employees and average annual income of business entities belong to the following categories: small businesses, including the subjects of micro businesses; medium businesses; large businesses.
The rates of registration fees
The rate of the registration fee for state registration (re-registration), state registration of termination of activities of legal entities (including in case of reorganization in the cases provided by Republic of Kazakhstan legislation), accounting registration (re-registration), removal from accounting registration of branches and representative offices is 6.5 MCI.
The zero rates apply if the state registration and registration of termination of activities of legal entities who are the subjects of the small and average business.
MCI - 3 932 tenge as of 2025