Информация о внешнем аудиторе

The audit of the financial statements of NC KAZAKH INVEST JSC for the year ended December 31, 2020 was carried out by Audit Company Asia KZT LLP, BIN 090940018427, state license for auditing activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 16004604, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic Kazakhstan March 11, 2016.

The audit of the financial statements of NC KAZAKH INVEST JSC for the year ended December 31, 2021 was carried out by Firm Koktem-Audit LLP, BIN 981240000498, state license for auditing activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 0000155, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic Kazakhstan October 12, 2000.

The audit of the financial statements of “NC “KAZAKH INVEST” JSC for the year ended December 31, 2022 was carried out by Elite Audit LLP, BIN 130440015107, general state license to engage in auditing activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 200174104, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 09, 2013 of the year.

Audit of the financial statements of JSC "NC KAZAKH INVEST" for the year ended December 31, 2023, was carried out by LLP "Elite Audit", BIN 130440015107, with the general state license for auditing activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 24003175, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 5, 2024, with the initial issuance date of July 9, 2013.

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