Investment Projects

Production of medical preparations

  • Indicator Results
  • Investment amount, thousand US dollars 95
  • NPV of the Project thousand, US dollars 26,5
  • IRR, % 25,6%
  • EBITDA yield, % 53%
  • Payback period, years 7,68
  • Discounted payback period, years - - 12,96


When reaching full design capacity, the average production volume from 2031 to 2036 will be will reach the following values:

  • Solid dosage forms - 8,199 thousand packs;
  • Liquid dosage forms - 2,985 thousand packs.

This investment project provides for the construction of a full-cycle pharmaceutical plant for the production of medicines.

Construction of a plant with a total area of 28,500 sq. m will be carried out on the territory of the SEZ "Park of innovative technologies" in Almaty. Technological operations at the plant will be carried out according to established procedures in accordance with GMP, GLP and GDP rules in accordance with the European MHRA standard. The company plans to produce 87 branded generic drugs covering the following groups of drugs: antibiotics, painkillers, hormonal, cardiological and antianemic drugs, vitamins, antidiabetic, neurological and psychiatric drugs, drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and anticancer drugs.


Novem Pharmaceutical LLP was established in 2022 to implement the Project. The founders of Novem have over 10 years of experience in managing pharmaceutical plants.

  • The value of the Kazakh pharmaceutical market in 2022 increased by 13% compared to 2021 and amounted to USD 1,698 million. Growth of the budgetary segment by 12.3%, retail - by 13.7% is observed.
  • According to the data of SK-Pharmacy, the purchase of medicines from domestic producers in the period 2018-2022. increased at a CAGR of 26.5% to $279 million in 2022.
What is the attraction of the project?
  • Governmental support. The production of medicines is actively supported by the state in the form of soft loans for machinery and equipment. In the presence of domestic production, authorized state bodies are obliged to purchase drugs, first of all, from a Kazakh manufacturer.
  • Location of the Project. The location of the plant on the territory of the FEZ of Almaty provides access to local and regional markets for pharmaceutical products, simplifies the organization of logistics and supplies. In addition, the FEZ regime provides for exemption from taxes and customs duties, benefits for utilities and in the field of labor regulation.
  • Project team experience. The founders of the Company have more than 10 years of experience in managing pharmaceutical plants. Their deep understanding of pharmaceutical manufacturing requirements, standards and processes will enable efficient plant management.
Investment proposal

The Project requires funding in the amount of USD 95 million, including:
  • 80% (USD 76 million) - debt financing (with collateral);
  • 20% (USD 19 million) - investor participation.
The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative, the final financing structure and the stake in the Project will be determined based on the results of joint negotiations with the investor.

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