Invitation to tender for the investment project
«National Company «Kazakhstan Engineering» JSC (hereinafter – the Company) is looking for potential investor for the implementation of investment project: «Centralized point of storage, sale and disposal of weapons, military equipment and ammunition and 2 storage facilities of the Ministry of Defenсe of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
1. Investmentproject:«Centralized point of storage, sale and disposal of weapons, military equipment and ammunition and 2 storage facilities of the Ministry of Defenсe of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (hereinafter – the Investment project).
2. Location of objects:
Name of the object |
Location |
- Centralized point of storage, sale and disposal of weapons, military equipment and ammunition |
Aktogay district of Karaganda region, Republic of Kazakhstan |
- Objects of the military camp of Zhem |
Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region, Republic of Kazakhstan |
- Military camp facilities in the village Orta Derezin |
Aktogay district of Karaganda region, Republic of Kazakhstan |
3. Preliminary cost of the Investment project: 34 681 544 thousand tenge (with VAT)
Final cost will be determined after approval of design and estimate documentation for the Investment project.
4. Main tasks:
1) financing of design and estimate documentation for the Investment projectand approval by the State expertise;
2) financing of the construction of the Investment project.
5. Reimbursement of expenses:funds from the sale of unused property (military property).
6. Qualification requirements for legal entities (associations):
1) funding available for financial coverage of design and estimate documentation, equipment, construction and installation works and other expenses and costs necessary for the Investment project implementation;
2) work experience in the international arms market;
3) availability of the qualified professionals with work experience with weapons and military equipment;
4) tax clearance certificate and confirmation of no accounts payable;
5) not to be subject to bankruptcy and/or liquidation/rehabilitation.
7. The security of the application:
- security deposit for the amount of 3 000 000 000,00 (three billion) tenge to the account of «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC (BIN 030440000693, IIC KZ3594805KZT22031991, BIC EURIKZKA, «Eurasian Bank» JSC, Beneficiary code 16)
- guarantee issued by a bank with international rating not lower «BB-» for the amount of 3 000 000 000,00 (Three billion) tenge in favor of «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC (BIN 030440000693, IIC KZ3594805KZT22031991, BIC EURIKZKA, «Eurasian Bank» JSC, Beneficiary code 16).
8. Procedure and deadline for submission of application by potential investors:
Application and documents confirming the compliance of potential investors with qualification requirements shall be submitted up to and including February 15th, 2021 to the following address: «National Company «Kazakhstan Engineering» JSC: 12A, Kerey, Zhanibek khandar St., Nur-Sultan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, e-mail address: ke@ke.kz.
9. The conditions and procedure for the selection of investors.
- In case of interest, please send a request for documentation to the following address: «National Company «Kazakhstan Engineering» JSC: 12A, Kerey, Zhanibek khandar St., Nur-Sultan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, e-mail address: ke@ke.kz.
- The Company will apply for commercial proposals to qualified potential investors.