For the third consecutive year, global volume of FDI showed a decline and amounted to $ 1.2 trillion in 2018

According to the UNCTAD’s preliminary data for 2018, the global volume of foreign direct investment (FDI) amounted to $ 1.2 trillion recording a 19% decline to compare with the previous year. The decline was mainly observed in the developed economies (40%), particularly in Europe (73%) and in the USA (18%).

In the developing countries, on the contrary, there was a slight increase of 3%. Developing countries accounted for 58% of total FDI volume. The growth was recorded in Asian countries (by 5%) and in some African countries (by 6%). However, FDI decreased by 4% in Latin America and the Caribbean. In turn, transitional economies recorded a decrease of 8%.

At the same time, during the first 9 months of 2018, gross FDI inflows to Kazakhstan grew by 8.4% to $ 17.3 billion (net FDI inflows to Kazakhstan also showed an increase of 1.7% and reached $ 4.4 billion). 

Generally, top 10 recipients of FDI include:

1) US ($ 226 billion)

2) China ($ 142 billion)

3) United Kingdom ($ 122 billion)

4) Hong Kong ($ 112 billion)

5) Singapore ($ 77 billion)

6) Spain ($ 70 billion)

7) Netherlands ($ 64 billion)

8) Australia ($ 62 billion)

9) Brazil ($ 59 billion)

10) India ($ 43 billion)