102 PHC facilities completed in rural areas under Modernization of Rural Health Care national project

During the Government session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov the progress of the “Modernization of Rural Health Care” National Project was considered. Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akmaral Alnazarova made a report on the main directions of work.
In accordance with the instruction of the Head of State in Kazakhstan from 2023 continues the implementation of the pilot National Project “Modernization of rural health care”.
Within the framework of the project 3 tasks are realized:
- construction of 655 PHC facilities;
- modernization of 32 central district hospitals;
- provision of medical personnel.
The Ministry of Healthcare, together with the Ministry of Industry and Construction, has fully completed work on the development and linkage of design and estimate documentation and obtained the conclusions of the State Expert Review. Of the 655 PHC facilities planned for construction, 102 have been completed.
Akimats of the regions provided for co-financing from local budgets for 551 objects; construction contracts have been signed for 441 objects; tender procedures are underway for 107 objects; tender procedures have not yet been announced for 5 objects.
Concerning financing of construction of objects: this year for the construction of 355 objects are provided funds from the republican budget and the reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Together with the Ministry of Finance it is planned to allocate funds from the reserve of the Government for the beginning of construction of 194 objects by amending the earlier adopted resolution of the Government.
"Thus, financing for the beginning of construction of all objects in the amount of 30% will be provided. Seven objects within the framework of the national project are provided with funding from local budgets, private investment and the program “Auyl - Yel besigi,” Akmaral Alnazarova said.
According to her, in the regions construction works have been started on 337 objects. Construction works have not started on 104, tender procedures have not been announced in two regions. Co-financing is provided by all regions, except for the Ulytau region. In this regard, the Minister appealed to regional akims with a request to accelerate these procedures in order to complete construction in a timely manner.
Within the framework of the second task of the National Project, the work on modernization of 32 district hospitals continues. Capital repairs of two district hospitals have been completed; 10 objects are under construction; 5 are at the stage of tender procedures; 5 - at the stage of expert examination; 8 projects are under development of design and construction plans.
"To provide medical personnel for healthcare facilities under the National Project, the total need for personnel was 1,100 medical workers. In 2023-2024, 656 medical workers were employed at 150 facilities,” Alnazarova reported.
The existing measures of state support are provided for strengthening the prestige of the profession of doctor and are aimed at increasing the motivation for specialists to live in rural areas.
“In this regard, we ask regional akimats to strengthen the work on monitoring the arrival and retention of young specialists, analyzing satisfaction with working conditions, as well as making decisions to strengthen social support measures at the expense of local budgets in order to retain personnel in rural areas,” the Minister concluded.
Source: Official Information Source of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan